
Forced vaccinations for kids in NJ!

"Last week's rally at the State House plainly demonstrated the anger and fear of parents who object to the new law requiring flu shots for babies and young children who are enrolled in preschool and day care centers.

The parents are angry because they see the law, which also adds four new vaccines to the immunization schedule, as intruding on their privacy and superseding their authority as parents.

Others are fearful that New Jersey's required regimen of vaccinations could endanger their children. Chief among those fears are developmental problems, such as autism."

Read the full article here.

This is bullshit! Who knows what's in those needles. The links between autism and vaccinations are astonishing. They say the level of mercury in them is not toxic, or deny the fact that it is present altogether. Plus with all the new advances in nanotechnology, who really knows what's in there?! See the vaccinations section in the archives for more info.


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It's all electronic funds! Gimme a gold brick!

Stan: I got a hundred dollar check from my grandma, and my dad said I need to put it in the bank so it can grow over the years.

Bank Teller: Well that's fantastic, a really smart decision young man. We can put that check in a money market mutual fund, then we'll reinvest the earnings into foreign currency accounts with compounding interest aaaand it's gone.